About Us

We Are NeuroTribe UK

We are a mental health and wellbeing organisation, on a mission to empower people from neurodiverse and culturally diverse communities to thrive. We provide support, information, guidance and therapeutic services to individuals, families and organisations, and are founded, managed and staffed by therapists with lived experience of the systemic oppressions we seek to challenge. With a vision of a truly inclusive world, our services help to challenge attitudes, raise awareness, and advocate for positive change, including:

  • Individual therapy which respects, values and celebrates differences

  • Working with organisations through diversity, empathy and inclusion training & consultancy

  • Creative CPD programmes, therapy and clinical supervision for helping professionals

  • Action research through our project "Britain Behind the Mask"- a collaboration with Open Words UK

NeuroTribe UK logo painted onto a sketchpad, next to a red paintbrush and tubes of paint

Our Aims & Values

By working with individuals, families, therapists, professionals, businesses, charities and non-profit organisations, we aim to make an impact for people from marginalised communities and help them to find a sense of belonging in a society they can connect with, contribute to, and gain validation from.

Safe & Inclusive

We provide a safe, supportive, confidential and non-judgemental space, where you can identify with your conditions positively and without shame or fear. Not as a 'disability' or 'disorder', but as a different way of thinking with huge potential.

Connect & Respect

Believing in human connection and integration between the neurodivergent and neurotypical communities, we value respect. Not 'agreement', not 'tolerance', not 'assimilation', or 'acceptance' but real respect.

Educate & Inform

Having experienced first-hand how society lacks the knowledge, awareness and resources to enable diverse communities to thrive, we share resources and research to deepen understanding, inform therapeutic practice & advocate for a more inclusive world.

How We Make a Difference

Our Impact & Growth

When as parents and carers we were looking for a positive way for our children to identify as neurodiverse, Steve Silberman’s book NeuroTribes provided an uplifting, life-affirming framework and subsequently inspired the name and approach of our organisation.

When NeuroTribe UK began in 2018, we were on a mission to enable every child and young adult with a special educational need to thrive socially, emotionally, and academically. We have long known that, to achieve our goal, one of the best ways is to work with families and adults, as well as directly with children and young people in our community. This was the initial focus for our work as we began the journey to discover where NeuroTribe UK could have the most significant impact.

Throughout our journey, our experiences have lead us to realise the necessity of working with and for our cultural diverse communities as an equally important focus, bringing the viewpoints of intersectionality and socio-economic inclusion to the forefront of what we do.

Equally, we have found that working with schools, colleges, businesses and organisations that serve our community, through training, consultancy and CPD, has a greater impact when delivered alongside our clinical supervision and therapeutic services.

Experienced Multicultural Practitioners

The NeuroTribe UK Team

Jan Hall, psychotherapist

Jan Hall


Special Interests: Anxiety Disorders,
Parent & Child Therapy & Clinical Supervision
Kyra Hall-Gelly, psychotherapist

Kyra Hall-Gelly


Special Interests: Multicultural Counselling, Young People, Adults, Autism & Addictions

Marissa Green


Special Interests: Diversity and Marginalisation, Mental Health, Behavioural Challenges

Qetnefert Khema Netri Jeffers


Special Interests: Problem Substance Use in Children, Young People & Adults, Autism, Hearing Impairments, Learning Disabilities, Developmental Delays, Language Disorders & Trauma

Ali Rajohns

MBACP (Accred)

Special Interests: Children and young people from 7 years + with learning disabilities, neurodivergent children and young people. Adults interested in exploring creativity, shamanic practice and ancestral knowledge

Zena Nicholas


Special Interests: Diversity & Marginalisation, Neurodivergence, Third Culture Individuals, and Immigrants’ Experience

Pip Patrick


Special Interests: Autism, ADHD, Identity, Trauma, Attachment and Relationships

Anjum Siddique


Special Interests: Loneliness, Loss, (Hidden) Identity and Disability

Fariah Garner


Special Interests: Identity, Trauma, Empowerment, Creative Therapy, and Multicultural Counselling

Georgie Calinescu Barber

MBACP Psychotherapist

Special Interests: Attachment, Trauma, Empowerment, Nature-Based Therapy, Psychoeducation, Gender Identity, Neurodiversity, Multiculturalism & Birth Psychology

Ellen Maslin

HCPC, BADth, EMDR Association UK

Special Interests: ADHD, Neurodiversity, LGBTQIA+ Matters, Diversity & Marginalisation, PTSD, Self-Exploration, Creative Expression

Roksana Paciepnik


Special Interests: ADHD, Autism, Dyslexia, (Transgenerational) Trauma,
Relationships, Work Stress, Anxiety & Panic Attacks

Get in Touch Today

To arrange an informal chat about therapy sessions, clinical supervision, CPD or training, contact the NeuroTribe UK team using the Contact Us button below, or find out more about what we do by clicking the Our Services button.